
  • A little while ago, I was doing a code review for a team member and noticed a change around a function signature in Python:def do_a_thing(some_data, some_option=None):This caught my attention and...

  • In Rust, we have a data structure called, Vec<T>, a dynamically resizable array with the ability to store elements of the same type in a contiguous block of memory, allowing for flexible...

  • Upon viewing the Coding Train’s tutorial on simulating falling sand, I was inspired to experiment with a different approach using bevy, an Entity Component System (ECS) framework written in Rust.In a...

  • Yew, a web framework built with Rust, currently lacks a native approach for styling. There’s an ongoing discussion about this topic. Personally, I prefer to keep web framework and CSS styling as...

  • In Rust, Box is a smart pointer that allocates memory on the heap. Unlike variables that are stored on the stack (which have a fixed size known at compile time), Box allows you to store data of a...

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